Faith Cosmetics America Inc. COVID-19 Policy


Faith Cosmetics America Inc. has determined that the new Coronavirus may spread further in US, and has established a company-wide response policy from the viewpoint of preventing infection damage inside and outside the company and ensuring employee safety. We notify the employees of Cosmetics America Inc. and take the following actions.



(A) Implementation of telework

(B) Implementation of staggered working hours


2.Temperature Checks

(A)Always check your temperature before entering the office, meeting with clients for training or business meeting.

(B)Any employee who has a temperature above 99°F should go to the hospital immediately and stay home.


3.Carry out screening questions for salons and clients

(A) Check the following questions before visiting the salon or each client.

  1. Have you had a cough?
  2. Have you had a fever?
  3. Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?
  4. Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?


4.Maintain Social Distancing

(A) Distance between client should be more than 6 feet.

(B) It is best if there is a divider shields between clients.


5.Use of Personal Protective Equipments

(A)Before entering to salon/shop or meeting with clients face to face, always be sure to sanitize your hands with alcohol.

(B) Always should wear mask.


6.Employee Safety

(A)Carry out gargling and hand washing, use of PPE, and other protective behaviors.

(B) Refraining from unnecessary and urgent business trips both in US and overseas

(C) Recommendation for holding meetings at remote

(D) Refraining from client dinner/entertainment

(E) If there is an infected person or person who is recognized as a close contact close by, report it to the company.


Faith Cosmetics America Inc. will continue to respond swiftly based on the action plan in accordance with the stage of occurrence in the government, giving top priority to the control of infection damage inside and outside the company and ensuring the safety of employees.